Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hanging Posters

This will keep your posters from constantly falling off your cement block walls!
Put down a base of making tape...

Wow, there is no way to make masking tape on a beige wall look interesting...

Then create a loop of masking tape, but with a tail
- stick the tail to the base of tape you put on the wall

Put tape loops on the corners of your poster like normal and stick it to the wall with the hanging loop in the center of the poster -

I don't know the precise physics of how this method works, but the hanging tape loop must distribute the weight of the poster, resulting in....
Posters and signs that stay up all year!

Second Grade Series(es)

The second graders drew the same fruit from observation 4 times.
 Then they added color in four different ways...


colored pencil.....
watercolor paint....

Then they put their series all together on one paper and gave it a title!

some of the titles crack me up!
Orange Juice Frenzy....
Leo's (awesome) Pear Perfection
Apple Bottom Jean Jean

Monday, September 24, 2012

My Paint Cart

This is where students get their paint and other materials on painting days

foil to mix on, towels to dry dirty water off of brushes
I love our little cups of primary colors!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Third Grade Paint Mixing

Third graders paint all the colors of the color wheel, using only the primaries.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Kindergarten paint mixing!

To go along with the TJ theme, 'A Sea of Success,' Kinders painted fish! They mixed the secondary colors from the primary colors (red, yellow, blue)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Drawing From Life!

The kids were surprised to find a bike in the art room!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Still Life Drawing

Students are using view finders to pick out the perfect composition for their still life drawings.