Thursday, January 26, 2012

Marker prints with scratch foam

This project is kind of a hybrid of relief printing and monoprinting. Students used a product called scratch foam, but a styrofoam plate our takeout container works too!

Just draw with a pencil - use a little more pressure than usual, and make sure your pencil isn't too sharp!
Color your styrofoam with markers - all one color works fine :)

Dip your paper in water and pat dry - it should be pretty damp, no water pooling on the paper.
I am lucky to have a press, so we lay the damp paper on top of our colored styrofoam and run it through - you could just rub the paper with the heel of your hand - just be sure the paper doesn't move!
I just love this project :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Marble painting!

One of my favorite things to do... Such beautiful results!
These were painted with marbles!

I've Moved!!!

Because of technical difficulties, and the convenience of using Blogger, the TJ Art Room blog has moved!  You can see old posts HERE.

Hope to have more updates for you very soon!!